Why Do You Need a Bulkhead?

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Why Do You Need a Bulkhead?

Bulkheads may not be the most exciting waterfront construction project you’ll invest in this year, but they’re vital to protecting your shoreline and your property. They also save you a great deal of money by protecting your property from erosion and flooding damage. 

Both are big concerns. The Texas coast is eroding at a rate of 4.1 feet per year. Some places lose up to 30 feet. We probably don’t need to tell you that the entire state is at risk for floods.

Without bulkheads, the amount of actual, dry land you own will slowly slip into the water, and who wants that?

Here are a few other benefits to installing a bulkhead.


Believe it or not, the right bulkhead can be a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing choice. Certainly, aesthetics are one of the goals we pursue when installing bulkheads. Why settle for functional when you can have something that is both functional and beautiful? 

If you don’t love the look of any bulkhead, we can also help you explore options, such as extending a raised deck above the bulkhead to hide it.

Fence Support

When you have a waterfront property, bulkheads work hand-in-hand with fencing to define your property and increase its curb appeal. 

They do this both by providing a clear, visual line that the eye can follow and by supporting the fence itself. Without a bulkhead, erosion will eventually damage your fence as well.

Dock Support

Most individuals who own a waterfront property want a dock. Docks and bulkheads go hand in hand. Without a bulkhead, the dock will soon become unsafe as erosion eliminates the supporting structure of the land. 

Fortunately, when you get both the dock and the bulkhead installed at the same time, you can ensure they both work together as one streamlined, visually appealing whole.

Build Your Bulkhead With Dream Boat Docks

Convinced you need to invest in a bulkhead? Why keep searching? Contact Dream Boat Docks to plan your entire project today. We’ll custom design, build, and execute your project until your waterfront property becomes everything you want it to be.

Call (713) 231-7811 to schedule a free quote today.

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